Thursday, November 13, 2014

Lit analysis #2

Of Mice and Men 
By: John Steinbeck
For the literature analysis, I had read of Mice and Men. The main characters were George and Lennie. Lennie was a buff guy that really didn't know his own strength. While George was very smart and very aware of his surroundings. Lennie wasn't the smarted person. George takes care of Lennie while they look for a job and find work at a farm. Lennie is a clutz. He always gets into trouble be he kills the farmers wife and in the end George has to kill Lennie.

The main theme was that to be careful of your actions. Lennie doesn't know what is wrong and what is right. He hurts things because of his abnormal strength. George has to basically be a baby sitter for Lennie since he doesn't know anymore. Throughout the book George has to constantly be watching over Lennie because without George he would be lost.

The protagonist, George would be a dynamic and round character. Reason for Dynamic is because he shows all of the emotion. George is a good person who had to make tough decisions. Lennies' very important because he is the one cause all of the problems that's George has to fix.

Forgiveness is significant. George always ends up forgiving Lennie. Reason for this because he understands Lennie doesn't do it on purpose. George is a very understanding person and cares very much about Lennie.

Reason I chose this book was because I read it in junior high. I really loved the book. I felt that I remembered parts of it and I loved it. Once I started reading I just lost myself in the book. I had finished it in one day. That's how good it was for me.

I think Lennie would be the closest character to me. Reason for that is because I'm really lost in school. I don't know what I am doing. It's not that I am strong or anything like that I am just very curious about the world.

Thing I will remember the most about the book would be the ending. Spoiler alert. When George is chasing after Lennie. George grabs the gun and status telling Lennie about what they are going to do with their farm. It gets rally emotional. Once he is done talking George shoots Lennie in the head. It had to be done. That is what I will never forget. Of Mice and Men is really a truly amazing book

Greek Drama questions

 What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?
bull or a goat.

How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysus?
20,000 spectators

How does the mask affect the voice of the actors?
 project their voices to their audience.

 Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?
The audience could see and know of things that the characters of the actors didn't. 

 How is the shepherd to leave the infant on the mountainside?
 with pinned knees.

6: What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?
What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? Man is the answer
 Who are Oedipus' kids?
Eteocles, Polyneices, Ismene, & Antigone are Oedipus' kids.

 After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?
Creon becomes king of Thebes

 What did the family do to the dead body? 
Eteocles is given a proper burial, but Polyneices isn't buried and is left to be eaten away at.

Antigone Quick-Write

If that situation had ever happened to me and he ended up being the bad one. I would do anything to fix all loose ends. Searching up everything and any type of evidence to prove my brothers innocence. It's not fair how my brother I dislike is being the hero. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do to save him. Family isn't left behind. I would convince my is get no matter how long it took to speak up about the truth/help. She, helping me would make this a lot easier for finding evidence, I know for a fact that my sweet brother would never do such a thing. Why he wouldn't hurt a fly let alone his brother even though he is a horrible person. We don't actually do anything that far, I would personally investigate everyone that was on the island that when we met. I would talk to the manager because he seemed kind of off when me and my family had gotten to the island. He must know something we don't know. After all that and I still don't know what happened I am going to bury my brother. Even though I am going to get in trouble I don't care. He is my brother. I will do anything for him. I know in my hear that he is innocent.