Sunday, September 28, 2014

LITERATURE ANALYSIS #1 Gulliver's Travels

1. This book has been split up into four parts. In the first part what he does is introduce his past how he was a surgeon now a voyager sailing the seven seas. He decribes while hes sailing there is a storm and he swims to this island called Lilliput. He falls asleep, when he wakes up he finds himself tied up. He also finds out that the people there are no taller then six inches. They take Gulliver to their emperor he gives him the basics for survival and such. He helps out the islanders with defeating their neighbors the Blefuscudians. He upsets the emperor which he is sentenced to be blinded. He escapes on a boat and sails back to England. So this is what the book is about just telling his adventures. Thats what his other parts are about. 

2. Abuse of power is the theme, reason for this is they are abusing the "Giant" Gulliver because of his size and his gullibleness. Next is the Brobdingnagians the farmer was willing to make Gulliver farm to his death.

3.I honestly didn't want to choose this boook, I had actually tried to change it because i thought this would be boring. The reason i kept reading was because I had to. This was a project and it's worth a lot. I choose it because I had seen some previews about it and thought it was cool.

4.Obviously this book isn't real, its just impossible. I didnt really connect to anyone because how could I they are so different, maybe i could connect how Gulliver was super short to the people. Like I am small metaphoricallly, im not seen as popular.

5. The author's tone is ironic, reason for this is that he escapes the Lilliput island, but then goes back sailing. You would think that he would think it over at least for five minutes or something. Then after another adventure he goes back again and again, its really ironic.

6. The theme because it shows in the story a lot that people abuse power, dont give an inch or they'll take a mile. Narrator is Gulliver he's telling his story. Conflict is that Gulliver is always getting stuck in something like with the the storm destroying his ship and him getting stuck in Lilliput.Antagonist is Gulliver this is all about him. Setting is  18th century England


1. Example of direct characterization is how in the very beginning he his saying to not to judge him for his mistakes. Indirect characterization example is when the yahoos are talking bout him when he first arrives at the island. They are not saying it to his face, but they are describing him.

2. The authors syntax doesnt change because Gulliver doesnt really change his tone throughout the entire book.

3. The protagonist, Gulliver is static and flat, reason for that is because after all his adventures he doesnt really change besides the actual adventure.

4. The author did good describing the character, but i dont think I like met the character. For example with the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan i felt i know them. I like that author much better

ENDURING MEMORYThe thing i could probably never forget it from the book is when he cant even be with his family. He thinks that they are not humans. What is up with that. That is just sick and weird. Also that he is talking to the horses when he his home. That is freaky. I dont think I could ever forget that part in the book.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Do you think technology (such as cell phones and portable music players) brings people closer together? If three people are together but two are listening to headphones and the third is on the phone, how is this different than being alone? Explain your answer.
        Technology, lets take time to talk about it. You could use it to talk to your best friend all night long. So yes I think it does bring people closer. If the three people are together, two are listening  to music and the third is on their phone it is different then being alone. The reason for this is because you are together and there is a vibe in the room. It is really hard to explain but it is.

you should check this out

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Latin roots #2

Roots and Derivatives:
1. Anni/annu/enni - year
2. Aqua/aque - water
3. Arm - arm, weapon
4. Art - art, craft, skill
Word List:
1. Aqua - the hue of the sea; bluish green
The water had an aqua type of glow.
2. Aquaculture - the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food
Some people study aquaculture.
3. Aqueous - like of, or formed by water; watery
Juice with ice canmelt and become aqueous.
4. Armada - a fleet of warships
There are a lot of armadas in battle right now.
5. Armature - equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering an arm like extension
Knights wear armature to protect them.
6. Armistice - a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty
I honeskty dont know how to put this in a sentence so please just ignore this sentence lol armistice.
7. Artifact - any object  produced by the art of the human hand; simple or primitive objects from the distant past
There are many artifacts in a museum.
8. Artifice - cunning ingenuity; clever or sly trickery
In some myths, there may be someone who acts like an artifice or a trickster.
9. Artisan - a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft
Potters and sculptors are talented types of artisans.
10. Millennium - a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years
We live in the second millennium of the common era.
11. Perennial - year after year; throughout the years;  a plant that blooms annually
People like to have a garden of perennials because they grow yearly.
12. Superannuated - worn out or retired, from age and years of use of hard work; obsolete or outdated.
After 50 years of working or so, people may become superannuated.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


  • Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address: What is the nature of the universe in which I live? How do I relate to that of the universe? How much control do I have over my own life? What must I do to survive?
  • Name 4 themes in world mythology: first parents- god , sky earth. The creator god usually fashions the first human beings. The gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a flood. Heroes are often children of Gods. Birth, maturity and death are often followed by rebirth. 
  • What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?: A chaotic formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that each can have his/her certain role in the universe scheme and creator god brings life to earth. 
  • What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?: We see ourselves drawn larger and grander than we are. They are the models of human behavior for their society.
  • Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?: They have imperfections and to like them for everyone has similar psychological needs and conflicts. 
  • What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?: Agricultural year
  • What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?: As the expression in of the individuals unconscious wishes, fears, and drives. 
  • Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live.