Thursday, May 28, 2015

Journal #12

Well in all honestly, wtf yo are you stupid you should've just killed ralph. You wasted like half the ending chapter just describing Ralph runaway from Jacks tribe and to all of a sudden just miraculously there be a ship right when they were about to kill ralph thats some bs. I was expecting blood to be shed not this type of ending. If I wanted a happy ending I would watch a Disney movie for example. I think if you left the book where they killed Ralph at the end it would be a greater ending to the book. Reason for this is that when i picked up this book (forcefully) I didn't expect to be filled with joy, I expectedly my twisted wicked side to be satisfied.I didn't like like piggy because he was freaking annoying and he didn't no when to stop talking. 10/10 would not recommend to friend because I don't like it, but then again that's just my opinion. Ralph cries because even though he might go to civilization again he's scarred for his life because he'll always remember how twisted some people could be in this world. So the danger is really never over.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


1) What does Ralph's group decide they must do.
A: Ralph's group decides that they must have a meeting with Jack's group demanding that they give back piggy's specs for fire once again.

2) In what ways are the twins "seeing Ralph for the first time" before going to Castle Rock?
A: The twins are seeing Ralph taking charge, the leader making the first move.

3)Why is the boy's attempt to get back piggy's specs and get the other boys to maintain the fire bound to fail?
A: Reason they are bound to fail is because Jacks group has already become savage and they are not going to listen to Ralph because Ralph doesn't have their trust anymore.

4)Why do you think that Rodger throws the rock off the cliff?
A: So that he can set up the trap that was put into play to destroy the conch.

5)How is the destruction of the conch symbolically significant?
A: Reason for this is because they lost all hope in being civilized. No one can help them anymore they destroyed their way back to civilization.

6)For most of the boys, what are the reasons they want a chief? What does a chief do for them?
A: The chief leads them and they feel safe with one. Chief guides them and they are not afraid.

a:Jack wth why are you doing this listen to Ralph all this savagery was your fault. This could've been easily avoided why didn't you listen?
b: Why didn't you pay attention when you were killing Simon was it a just a heat of the moment type of thing or were you just out thirsty for blood.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

1.  What does Betsy McCaughey identify as a problem in her commentary?
That there is no hospital that can handle Ebola no matter what they do. They can not contain that Ebola
2.  What solutions does she offer?
To protect our local hospitals, health care workers and patients by relying on the nations bio-containment facility.
3.  How does infection expert Sean Kaufman view the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients?
As a joke it is nothing that easily one mistake can screw over all the gear and you can get infected.
4.  What point did Rep. Michael Burgess make about CDC head Thomas Frieden?
Even though it was full gear there really is no safe way treating ebola.
5.  Ms. McCaughey concludes her commentary by recommending: “The best Ebola strategy is to protect our local hospitals, health-care workers and patients by relying on the nation’s bio-containment facilities. That’s what they were built for.”
a) Do you agree with her recommendation?
no not really
b) Ask a parent to read this commentary and answer this question.
My mom said that she did agree with this decision because she sought this as the only one safe way.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I found an interesting article about some girl getting robbed and kidnapped, here it is link.

An Isla Vista woman was captured monday afternoon and the police are looking for two hispanic men that allegedly committed this crime. I think that this is crazy that there could be this type of crime close to me. I didn't know how dangerous the world can be. I could do something about it but i am just simple me. She was walking on Abrego road and was forced to her bank to withdraw her money. I think that is insane. :o

Monday, January 26, 2015


Knowledge, knowledge is they key to power tbh. I define knowledge with someone who is highly educated at something. It could be education, or a varsity player at a sport. They know what they are doing. Knowledge is basically what someone does that is higher above then someone. There could be education knowledge where you are really intellectual

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Controversial topic

Anime, mmhh well first off I think that anime is the greatest thing ever created. That's just me some people might hate it with a passion, and that is their own choice. The things I can't stand though is when someone says they hate anime, but they have never even tried watching it . I'm like really ;-; that's not even cool that's like saying your at a dinner table and there is something new. You say you hate it, but you have never even tried it before. The only thing I can say is that you should at least try watching anime 
There are many different types of animes. For example there can be a sports anime like a soccer basketball tennis football baseball anime, there really no limit of anime there is out there. There is magic fighting anime just total awesomeness. I get that anime is not for everyone, but they should at least try anime. At first I thought I would hate it but now I've been watching a lot lately and it's kind of taking over my life :( but the animes are so much better then our regular tv shows in my opinion.