Monday, December 15, 2014

Lit Analysis #8 essay choice

How do the generations differ in their ideas about love and family? how does each difference manifest itself in the way each generation deals with issues such as marriage, divorce, and child rearing?

    Marriage is a big deal now, shows that you are making a commitment to spend the rest of your life with the person you love. In the book the Joy Luck Club there is a lot of marriages. Not only that, but there are tons of different opinions about the topic of marriage. The different generations have their own thoughts about it. There is really no right or wrong answer about it.
    Take Lena's vase for example, she had put the vase in a dangerous area. She didn't do anything to protect the vase. Supposedly her husband Harold had built the table. unstable and wobbly. Basically saying that he didn't put enough love into his marriage so when Lena realizes this she does nothing. Ying-ying "accidentally" makes the vase fall and shatter on the floor. She tells Lena she should something instead of just standing there and let it passively happen. Not to be a standby.
    Lindo Jong is married her and her husband light a red wick candle at each end. If the candle were to blow out prematurely it would be bad. Lindo didnt want to get married so she blew it out during the night. One of the servants had relit. Later they all found out that the candle had "died" So Lindo gets herself out of the marriage. Lindo is creating her own fate by blowing out the candle. Showing that she is in control of it she had a choice. The candle is showing that it is a tradition, but know it is showing power.
    In the end marriage is marriage you get to control what happens so ultimately you can do whatever you want. Lindo had took matter in her own hands. She did that by using the the tradition of the candle to get out of her marriage. Lena on the other hand was basically a door mat. She let people walk all over her. She could've changed the marriage. She could've done anything, but no she just stood there and let her marriage crumble. In marriage the choice is all yours. There is no one that could guide you through it. It it just you and your partner. No one else.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Diction Handout

1. "...I only climbed on the spare spar and leaned over the rail as far as i could..."

2. Opaque: not able to be seen through; not transparent 
The side of the ship made it hard to see part of the ocean clearly
The side of the ship had made a huge shadow. Then there was something near the ladder A light had flashed and i wasnt able to recognize what it was. Then it hit me i saw it.  A headless corpse glowing a greenish hue. I had dropped my cigar which fell making a hissing sound. I had stared down at the mystery of the sea.
3. The elevated tone just makies the passagae seem for sophisticated. While paraphrasing it just made it easier to understand not that complicated.

4. "The cigar dropped out of my gaping mouth with a tiny plop and a short hiss quite audible in the absolute stilness of all things under heaven."
"With a gasp I saw revealed to my stare a pair of feet"

"One hand, awash, clutched the bottom rung of the ladder."

"A short hiss quite audible in the absolutestillness of all things under heaven."

5. Author didnt use a name so the story could feel abit more mysterious 

6. The Secret Sharer is a person who shares without others knowing.

Cadaverous: looks like a corpse/ dead : negative
Darkling: growing darkness : negative
Pale: lacks in color : negative
Phosphorescence: a glow : neutral
Ghastly: horrifying 
Headless: without a head: negative
Fishlike: looking like a fish : negative