Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Latin Roots #1

1. act/ag/ig - to do, to move, to drive
2. ali/alter - another, other
3. am - at, to love
4. anim - life, spirit, soul
1. Agenda: a schedule of duties, programs, or events to be discussed or carried out
I use an agenda daily to write down homework.
2. Agile: exhibiting physical quickness and dexterity; mentally alert
The man was agile when there is an emergency.
3. Alienate: to antagonize or estrange
The man was alienate because everyone thought he was weird.
4. Altercation: a quarrel or bitter argument
The mother and son were having an altercation in front of the whole Walmart
5. Amiable: friendly; good natured
Ton of AVID students are vey amiable and it is expected from them.
6. Amorous: loving; passionate; suggesting desire
The man was very amorous to his spouse
7. Animated: spirited; lively; vivacious
There is a lot of things animated in tv shows.
8. Equanimity: calmness; composure
Equanimity can be helpful when you are very stressful.
9. Inalienable: not allowing of change or transfer
The man was inalienable to be able to move to different a different state because he didnt have his passport.
10. Inanimate: lacking the qualities associated with a living organism; lacking spirit or energy
Dolls are an example of an inanimate object.
11. Magnanimous: generous and noble of spirits; inclined to forgive
Magnanimous is a character I think I have because I do share my food.
12. Reactionary: in opposition to progress
The man was very reactionary about all the changes about the new schedule.

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